I’m a bit worried about your responses to my Can you criticize my website? thread.
I already knew that a software for hunters’ associations is a really small niche, so I already had a “backup plan”: convert WebCoto, my hunter’s association management software, to a more generic small associations management software, but still inside the Spanish market. I’ve searched the market, there are some applications (but not so much), I know people who are working in these kind of associations, so I can have beta-testers and get feedback, but now I’m worried: is it really a bad idea to stay in the Spanish market? It’s better to move to the English market, even if I’m not a great writer (and there are much more competition)?
Years ago I tried to sell a simple image resizing tool. I’ve started selling only in Spanish and, if I remember well, I sold 4-5 licenses. Then I translated the software and the website to English (and my English isn’t good!) and in the same amount of time I sold near 50 licenses…
So, what’s your opinion and experiences selling to Spain? Is it a dead (or nearly dead) market? Should I start studying how small associations work in the USA and “migrate” my software across the sea?
Thanks for your opinions
P.S.: Important: I don’t want to cancel or abandon my current software. It’s just that I want an alternative plan for if it doesn’t work/sell.