#163: Our goals for 2021

Ed and I discuss what we want to achieve in 2021. Last year, unexpected world events turned our “goals for 2020” upside-down. Having learnt no lesson whatsoever from this, we fearlessly enter 2021 with plans!

We mentioned Ed’s personal blog in this episode.

You can also listen, download, and subscribe to this episode here.

Hi @SteveMcLeod ,
Hope you keep the forum, or maybe merge with foundercafe.com from Mike Taber and Rob Walling. I think both are very similar in spirit and contents, and not very active.

I think indiehackers is a different crowd, and much more fleeting news content. What I like about bootstrapped are the long running threads on e.g. Fastspring, VAT MOSS etc.

And obviously the podcast!

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Thanks for the feedback. Interesting idea about merging with Founder Cafe!