“Why I sold my startup for £100,000”

The founder of Saber Feedback (the SaaS app I recently acquired) has blogged about why he sold it and what the process was like. He also reveals some numbers :wink:


Steve, thanks for transparency! We rarely see actual numbers, so this is a nice surprise.

I would normally be private about the amount I paid for something like this. But Matt asked if I was okay with him making it public as a fitting finale to the open information he has always had with Saber.

When I thought it through, I thought “why not?” :slight_smile:

Congratulations on the purchase. I have watched Matt’s journey from early BugMuncher days as I was following a similar path in the same market with https://pageproofer.com

I wondered if he would sell after making the switch to full time, I’m glad it worked out for both of you. Happy to chat if you are ever interested.

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