What (other) podcasts for bootstrappers do you listen to?

New podcast discovery time :slight_smile: We haven’t done this for a while.

What podcasts do you listen to that are bootstrapped related?

Tell us in a couple of sentences why you listen to it!

If you’re like me your weakness is marketing so #1 is “Everybody Hates Marketing”: https://overcast.fm/itunes1221256195/everyone-hates-marketers

Then the more obvious ones that are perfect for Bootstrappers:

Business of Software: https://overcast.fm/itunes1134005454/business-of-software-podcast

MicroConf On Air: https://overcast.fm/itunes1504363623/microconf-on-air

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My (bootstrapped) project - ivy.fm - can actually do this for you. You can search for a topic, like “bootstrapped” and it will surface all of the podcast episodes and podcasts themselves about that topic.

Check out the “bootstrapped” results here: ivy.fm/tag/bootstrapped

I’ve got a big list going here: