The pricing is a good start. I suggest
- Offering bulk discount prices for people who buy, say, 10 or more licenses. This will encourage some customers to buy more licenses.
- putting your price clearly on your home page (and a big download now button and a big buy now button, all above the fold)
- adding “buy” to your top level navigation
- unhiding your price. From the home page it is not obvious how to find the price
- make your fastspring template look like your website. At the moment the look of your buy page doesn’t inspire trust
- “Our company is considering to start using Fort. Can you provide reliable support?” suggests to me that you should offer a much more expensive “pro” license that makes certain guarantees about support. Even if the support is what the customer would get anyway with a normal license, this is about “extracting consumer surplus”
Oh, and most importantly, read Neil Davidson’s short book on pricing:
If you implement any of these suggestions, please do report back on any noticeable improvements to downloads and/or sales.
The website is still not as good as I would like it to be, but I’m not a web designer.
I I recommend getting yourself a template from or similar.