For sure - there are definitely some here that could be helpful!
Gail Goodman (ex-CEO of Constant Contact) on the ‘How to Negotiate the Long, Slow, SaaS Ramp of Death’ would be a good one. Gail tells the story of Constant Contact (who were SaaS before SaaS was a thing) and how they tackled the early years.
Peldi’s talks are all great, from the point of view of a CEO of a small SaaS business. This was his first, back in 2010 when Balsamiq was a small company with 7 employees.
This is a shorter talk (but still great) on Scaling SaaS Marketing from the former Head of Marketing at Pipedrive, Andrus Purde. Helpful to hear the story of how Pipedrive’s marketing strategy helped them get from small startup to the place they are now.
Not from a practitioner, but ‘Uncovering the Jobs to be Done’ by Bob Moesta & Chris Spiek could be interesting to you as well - super practical about how to find out why your customers do and don’t buy.
Let me know how you get on or if I’ve missed the mark