Wondering if some of you can share your experience together with what you learned/tips regarding your first support hire.
Going to hire the first support person and I’m a bit worried about how quickly I can train them and off-load my work. Reviewing the last 2000 tickets, many of them are unique or difficult and I don’t see how someone can answer most of them in 1-2 months, without knowing the product internally (from the source code) or having lots of experience using it.
I built a support document with notes and answers to most encountered issues, but they don’t repeat that often as I wanted so I might end up doing more work supporting the support person and customers than when I did all the support myself. Since half of the support is about handling the integration of my script into clients website, the person will be technical and might be able to answer more technical questions, but stiil, won’t have access to app source code for detailed stuff.
I also set up demo accounts to get that person become a power user and I’ll set up daily tasks and questions about it.
Any other things I should be doing?
Also, what’s your experience with this? How did you transition from supporting the clients yourself to the first customer success hire?