About crisp on the website
It’s clearly not heavily used. Kinda’ like 1 in 50-60 users will hit us up. The idea is to provide a meaningful experience even for mobile or for Mac users - if they want to ask us anything about the app before trying it.
Do note that you don’t need to be online all the time - when support is “offline”, people leave their email and you get notified, reply and they get notified.
What I really like about crisp is auto triggers - so that I can have some messages show up tweaked on the page the user is visiting.
About what I want (on my desktop app)
About being disruptive - I totally agree about that. I’ve developed a tool about 10 years ago, and got swamped with customer requests over skype. However, this is very different. This tool - I only want to use it at the beginning - to gather feedback from early users.
The idea is to get the feedback while they’re using the app - so it’s even more meaningful. Clearly after the app gets more stable and I understand what/if I need to redesign stuff inside the app, I will remove this tool. Or, I can maybe have it so that I would appear online only for certain key users.
Even now, what I want is - to appear online only when I am at the computer.
Once the app is as intuitive as it should be, I will get back to an async method, as you suggest.
(clearly, the app is insanely intuitive to me, but I’m insanely biased here