I agree with @Serge
Also, is going fast, fast is really still important? Maybe nowadays it’s more beneficial to take our times, talk to potential customers and slowly build ~the right thing once we know exactly what they want. I think the time where “I should be first in that market” is over.
Also, if they are building while consulting or having a 9-5 job to me suggesting to use older stacks / tech might not be appropriate to everyone.
Again, this depends, and when I built LeadFuze and than Roadmap I was excited and energized by the fact that I was building those in a different stacks/languages than the one I was paid for via consulting since the last 15 years. If I had picked what I was comfortable with, I would not have the energy to develop them I’m certain of it.
Also I kind of have huge difficulties reading “don’t use microservices” really? Microservices and Go (both mentioned in your article @jitbit are pretty much established for a loooong time).
I do understand the concept of “don’t waste time working on infrastructure and non product related aspects”. But writing a product like if it were 2009 in 2019 kind of does not really make sense to me.
I would prefer suggesting to new dev-entrepreneur to instead take their time before building, don’t build anything until you know what your potential customers will pay you for, than build it correctly with the right infra and the right stacks to tackle technical problems.
They need to know how to build a business, suggesting to build quick and monolith could have huge impact when they finally learn what customers will pay for and will have to do a 95% refactoring of their code they crafted way to quickly and without tests etc.
Time is too valuable to simply go, go, go and build an app that the dev-entrepreneur will dislike 3 months after launch because it’s not flexible enough could be a much time waster than having taken the time to build it with more strategies in the first place.
There’s ways to create an MVP quickly even when using microservices and JavaScript framework. Once you have more knowledge of the problem you’re trying to solve instead of jumping the gun and building another todo list app, it can be done quickly and with long time maintenance in mind at the same time I think.
My 2 cents