Looking for a new computer for someone here at work. I’m thinking she really needs a Laptop that is a desktop replacement.
So she’ll use an external keyboard, mouse, and 2 extra displays (and use the laptop display as the third)
Must support:
- Two external monitors (along with it’s built in screen)
- Fairly light weight (ultra portable would be nice). Light weight it more important than battery life.
- Not very demanding Software (no video games, maybe some very light video editing: 3 to 5 minute videos)
- Will be used as a desktop 80% of the time and would like a 2 hour battery life.
OPTIONS I’m considering:
- Docking Station that just connects through a USB 3.0 connection (they claim you can then connect up to 3 monitors). Also cuts down on wear and tear on usb ports.
- Laptop with a DisplayLink connection