Agree with Ian that talking to customers is probably your best bet. For me as I was growing my customer base, one of the issues was that I didn’t really know what my customers thought of the other competitors out there.
There was a time when I was constantly worried about certain free alternatives. But as I talked to more and more customers, I saw that they didn’t really take that alternative seriously in the first place. So I ended up thinking about it less and less.
Also there were competitors on the higher end that I thought I had no chance to compete with. But then I had a customer switch from them to me.
It takes time though. I know you’re doing one project per month so I think it will be tough to really talk to customers in a different audience every month.
Actually, speaking of which, if I were you is think seriously of launching products to the same audience every month. That way you’re building up a consistent audience (and learning about that audience) even if your products may not last forever.