- Actionable SEO Metrics In Your Inbox

Hey guys,

I want to show you a possible new project I worked on lately. It’s still very much in the works but I hope a few of you will like it, especially if you struggle to find the time for the SEO tasks Dave want’s everybody to do so desperately.

The tool gathers the past search data of your website and generates a report with the most important metrics and tips on how to improve your organic search ranking. For now it is limited to Google mostly because they still accounts for most searches.

Let me know what do you think :slight_smile:

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hi, is it better than looking into google stats directly, without email?

Two things are better than compiling the stats yourself:

  • You actually do look at the metrics weekly because you don’t have to extend any effort to compile the data yourself. Everybody who has used Google Analytics knows that this is not always that easy.
  • You don’t only get metrics but also suggestions on how to improve your organic search ranking / get more traffic

Love the idea. But why, WHY, WHY all seo tools in the world are domain-specific? My website is multi-product, I want to be able to optimize*

Like the idea. Congrats.

The first thing I notice in your site is: Wouldnt I receive always the same email? I mean my site main landing pages and top keywords have been the same for a few month now. Besides trying to improve the bounce rate there isn’t much info on the email.

Also, the keywords suggestions, will change from email to email?

This would be pretty easy to add as a feature but I guess this is a rather uncommon use case (I could be totally wrong of course).

It could be the case that the emails are similar mostly if you and your competition don’t do any active SEO and Google does not change anything in their search results. In this case I would argue that getting the (mostly) same email is still valuable because it can warn you that something is very wrong if a ranking drops suddenly.

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Additionally, if you lack optimizations for certain parts of your site, maybe it will suggest a different 5-minute optimization change to be done each week, for continuous improvement.

The reports will also contain the crawling errors found by the Google bot which should (most likely be easy fixes).

What other 5-minute optimizations did you have in mind?