Just to clear something out, there are chargebacks and there are refunds. Chargebacks for credit card payments are initiated through a bank, and there’s very little you can do. In most cases bank takes buyers side. Especially since you go through third party, i.e. payment processor who should deal on your behalf. However, my experience when dealing with B2B is that chargebacks are very rare, and in most cases they happen because customer didn’t recognize company name on charge. You can deal with customer directly in these cases to revert it, although it’s a bureaucratic problem with a bank even when end user cooperates with you.
Refund is a different thing, it’s initiated through you or through payment processor. You have much more saying in that, although I never disputed it and don’t know what happens then. Refunds were for my case always reasonable, e.g. someone ordered wrong product or quantity, etc. Having incorrect $14900 order is a mistake customer will quickly recognize, i.e. it should not happen after few months after you spent money.
In my opinion it’s not that risky situation, i.e. you have much higher risk of no one buying that offer 
If you’re still concerned, you can just remove public buy links for expensive licenses:
1 lic = $199 -> Buy button
10 lic = $1599 -> Buy button
Ent .lic = $14900 -> Contact us for purchase options.
You can still fulfill that order through payment processor, but they’ll contact you first, will be involved in purchase process and there will be very low probability that something goes wrong. Remember, when a company buys something for 15k, multiple people were involved, someone requested that, multiple people approved it, there was probably a trial period… Even if you’re not that happy with your software, there’s very little chance that all of these people will admit they made a bad call. Office politics 101.
Btw. ShareIt was renamed to MyCommerce few years ago, and its parent companies are Element5 and Digital River. All of these names show up in one place or another when dealing with them.