Pricing for schools?

So here’s a question.

Recently I’ve gotten a lot of great advice on pricing for individuals and for teams. But one area where I’m still at sea, pricing-wise, is in what to offer to schools (e.g. coding bootcamps) that want to use my material as part of their curriculum.

Any thoughts on how to approach this question? I’m looking for both pricing advice as well as advice on the “package” I should be offering to for-profit educational institutions.


There two most commonly used ways to package educational content I saw when I was working for universities were:

  1. Per student pricing (teachers are free) with a minimum number of students to qualify.
  2. Site license allowing any student or teacher to access the content during a fixed period (typically a year).

I don’t think there is one right answer. Sometimes the content is required by a single course and comes out of that courses budget. Other times a school or university would buy it for everyone.