Podcast listener questions

Do you have a question you’d like to hear discussed on the Bootstrapped podcast?

Post the questions below!

Hi @SteveMcLeod ,
In #140: How NOT to handle customer payment problems you mentioned you are going to hire a contractor for programming.

I’d be interested how you are going to do this, if you are looking in Spain, or remote, where you look, and what kind of rates seem reasonable for the EU / South Africa / … .

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Give us some update on Saber. In the latest podcast you kinda disclosed its MRR (“600 dollars is about 15% of its MRR”), so I’m curious if since the purchase you managed to grow the MRR, traffic, or neither yet? How you plan to approach that?

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Done! Listen to episode 141.

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I have a guest possibly coming on the podcast to discuss this theme in a couple of months.

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You mentioned in a podcast that one of the mistakes you made is not to have a mentor earlier.
Assuming you have a mentor now, perhaps you could provide some details on how it works? How to find mentors? How to work with them? Is it supposed to pay for mentorship? Do we need to provide any “reports” for mentors? Any information would be highly appreciated.

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