Thanks for the feedback.
Some details: I made a working prototype of this product “SeeingStars” in September 2012, and demonstrated it via video on my blog, to gauge reaction, and to decide whether it was worth continuing. Then I got distracted by other things. Now I’ve decided to spend the next month getting it version 1.0.
I’ve had 932 uniques visitors (including 13 from this forum) , and 213 signups, even with this too basic page.
- PokerStars? My target audience knows what PokerStars is and uses it every day. They are quite hungry for this product too.
- Price? Good question. Adding it is good? Dang, that means I need to make a pricing decision.
- 2,012. I’ve changed the year…yes, I created this page last year and didn’t realise the year was wrong.
Shouldn’t yet be live? Yep. Strange thing is, I’ve had 200+ sign-ups already. Which is why I’m resurrecting it and keen for feedback…