This is just a rant, so feel free to ignore.
These are some of the things I see in every other SaaS (and sometimes downloadable software), and they just irritate me. It’s 2016, we should have gotten rid of this crap.
- How many of your customers are from Afghanistan? Seriously. So why does every app that makes me choose my country force me to scroll a hundred countries down to UK?
I’d think the majority (90%?) of your customers would come from a handful of countries. US, UK, Europe, Australia etc. So is Afghanistan at the top?
- Don’t force me to sign in to unsubscribe from your emails. And that’s when the email even has a unsubscribe button.
Even big companies like Amazon, Kickstarter are guilty of this.
- Finally, for the love of <insert your God here> , don’t force me to click and type unnecessary crap. I was using the Lastpass iPhone app, and wanted to save some data quickly. But oh no. How dare I pretend _my tim_e is more valuable than some fancy app? It forced me to create a folder, choose the folder, before it allowed me to save my 2 lines of data. Their website is the same, so its not the fault of the app programmer.
I now have folders like F%&£you1 , F$%^kyou2.
Want to use a time tracking software? You have to create a project, have to create a client, set a billing rate, before you can log 5 minutes of data.
It seems to me programmers are so anal retentive, they must have everything in neat little boxes. Or the code won’t work!
Notable exception : Freckle. It’s just wow. So easy to use. You can log time with no project, on every single screen. But it’s just the exception that proves the rule. How shocking: Someone built a software by actually looking from the customers point of view!
Ten years ago, I read The Inmates are running the asylum (the book is older than that). It seems nothing has changed since.
Sorry, end of rant.