Hi everyone!
This is my first post here, my name is Niko and I’m not exactly a bootstrapper: I run tech and product at a small company of 10 (www.eyequant.com). We’re a frugal bunch though, and I’ve always found the bootstrapper’s perspective very helpful and applicable to us.
With that out of that way, my question that I’d like to discuss is: who to choose for SaaS payments and/or subscription billing.
We’re currently with a terrible provider (charges too much, is technically… well, less than ideal, and only settles every other month). We’re finally ready to replace them, so I’ve started looking at the options (Stripe/Braintree/Paymill and a long list of others), but I’m not sure who’s best for our situation.
I’ve found 2 existing threads, but I was wondering: do you have any more love stories / war stories to share on specific providers?
PS: Here’s a list of constraints / wishes I made for myself, but maybe it gives you a better picture of our situation. Sorry if this is TMI!
- we’d prefer a hybrid provider that does subscription billing and works as a payment gateway, but I’m open to combos like Recurly+Braintree too
- we are based in Germany, so providers should produce EU-acceptable invoices, handle VAT deductions and should be US-EU Safe Harbor certified
- we exclusively sell to businesses
- we mainly sell SaaS subscriptions, but also have pay-as-you-go packages: both standalone and on top of subscriptions
- billing cycles are varied: we do monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual bookings, and the odd custom case
- we have some legacy customers on contracts which we don’t offer to new customers
- we have customers in Europe, North America, the UK, SE Asia, and Australia
- we sometimes give leads discounts (probs best implemented as voucher codes)
- we accept VISA/MC/AMEX
- we accept payments in USD/EUR/GBP
- nice to have: taking German ELV and/or EU SEPA direct debit
- provider should settle at least monthly
- should offer emailing billing receipts
- should include self-serve basics like allowing customers to update their credit card details and sending automated expiry reminders to customers
- should support a billing email address that’s different from the account’s primary address
- should be able to create subscriptions with manual invoicing / payment
- nice to have: allow customers to up- or downgrade to a different plan in the middle of a month and calculate pro-rata charges
- nice to have: allow pausing subscriptions, with self-serve ability to re-activate without entering payment data again