I know this question has come up before but all of the answers/comments are from a couple of years ago and this is an area that seems to be moving fairly rapidly as new and existing players add additional functionality.
We are a UK based company with bank accounts based in the UK that are set up for GBP, EUR and USD.
We want to offer the option of paying for invoices by credit card in the currency of the purchaser. Typically in our case USD or EUR. We want a simple, cost-effective option to take payments, account for them (our accounts package will do this but it would need to integrate), then transfer the money to the relevant bank account.
At first glance, Stripe seems to be a good option and lots of people recommend. The main trouble with Stripe for us however is that we do not have a US based bank account, (only a UK based one denominated in ). Stripe will not pay into a UK account so in order for us to be paid, we have to get our $ transferred into GBP at a rate convenient to Stripe, then we pay them a fee for the transfer. This is VERY expensive.
We’re not looking for recurring billing etc, just the simplest, most efficient way of adding credit card payment onto invoices to facilitate payment. Would welcome any suggestions. Thank you.