Is anyone from this forum planning on attending Microconf in April?
Hadn’t heard of this before, so posting this for others that are new:
April 3-6, in Las Vegas
Yes. I’ll probably arrive on Saturday and leave on Thursday.
I’d love to go in 2016! It would be my first Microconf and my first visit to the States
I was planning to, but I have to do too much travel and dayjob before April so had to pass sadly. 2017 maybe.
I watched the early bird sell out in like 8 minutes! Wow.
I’ll be there for the first time. Looking forward to it!
Not this round. I was planning on going, but Peers Conf and MicroConf are days apart this year, and that’s too long to be away from home for me. I spoke at Peers this year, really enjoyed it, and was going to submit talks for 2016 again, so I’m opting for Peers. It’s a shame, though. I’d really like to meet a lot of the people who I’d only get to meet at a place like MicroConf.
It is a shame Well, see you next year, hoefully. Is PeersConf any good? checked their website, not even a speaker-list there…
Yeah, I really like Peers Conf. The 2016 site is just getting started, I think. You can see the 2015 site (with speakers) here:
In like Flynn. It’s totally sold out now, for the curious. You always want to be on the early bird list for that one.
Guys, I heard about this conf for first time. Is it really worth it? (almost spending $1500 conf pass + hotel + flights). My first reaction was, whether I am going to hear same thing which is being published in blogs etc.
I’m going this year. It will be my second time, and I’m looking forward to it again.
I have my ticket!
@ajainy IMO the value of conferences isn’t mainly in the content of the talks but in the people you meet. You can talk with these people to help get you over humps. They can recommend books, podcasts, people and other podcasts to you that it might have taken you another year to stumble upon online. Another reason I attend conferences like this is that I notice successful people attend conferences, and if I want to be successful, maybe I should copy them in this way. I also like to think of the reverse question: how much would it cost me to stay at home? I’d have $1500 more in my pocket now, but if I never invest in conferences, what will be the impact to my earnings over the course of my career?
Having been to all MicroConfs to date, I think I can answer this one…you can listen to the content afterward but a) it’s extremely time delayed (6-12 months) and b) you have no ability to ask questions on site at the time of the talk and c) (most importantly) you’re missing out on the networking opportunities to talk with real, live humans that are in this single founder thing with you…which is incredibly valuable! More valuable, IMO, than the content, which IS very, very valuable…
The relationships I’ve created at MC have definitely vaulted my business up several dozen notches and have more than paid for the monetary costs I’ve incurred.