@andycroll and I are organising the 2nd Life. Time. Value Conference in Brighton, England on Wednesday 19th April.
It’s a one day single-track conference in Brighton for 160 people who don’t want to spend their working lives trading time for money.
This year’s LTV Conf speakers (all bootstrapped) include:
- Amy Hoy (@amyhoy), Founder http://letsfreckle.com and https://unicornfree.com/
- Brennan Dunn (@brennandunn) , Founder http://doubleyourfreelancing.com
- Bridget Harris, Founder http://YouCanBook.me
- Laura Elizabeth, Founder http://lauraelizabeth.co/client-portal/
- Thomas Smale, Founder http://feinternational.com
- Stef Lewandowski, Founder http://makelight.com
Early Bird Tickets are on sale until midnight 31st January.
You can grab your ticket here: http://ti.to/ltvconf/2017
We also have a limited number of places to master classes on the 18th April. We’ll have 8 people on a ‘starting’ track working to get their businesses off the ground and well on the way to £10K MRR. And 8 people on a ‘scaling’ track who are working to grow their businesses well beyond £100K MRR.
This conference is inspired by the awesome experiences I’ve had at @robwalling @MarkLittlewood’s conferences but we wanted to do something smaller and closer to home. If you only go to one conference this year, I recommend you go to one of theirs: http://microconf.com or http://businessofsoftware.com. If you can’t make it to either and fancy a trip to the UK’s south coast please do join us.
Hope you can make it,