I want to be able to ask our readers questions:
- What is your top goal ? { Speech, Reading, Writing}
- What’s your biggest obstacle? {Lack of therapy, no therapist}
And then when they submit their Survey (form) it would save that in their profile’s Fields:
.BiggestObstacle=No Therapist
Then that gets stored in their profile and then send emails based on that.
So I want to show a form and update their record.
- Email the user a link to a survey that prepopulates their ID (perhaps in a hidden field) e.g., Survey.com?UserEmail=user@email.com
- The completed form is then submitted to the Email Service Provider with that ID included. Email Service Providers already do something like this for updating User Preferences. I’d just want to have a Customer User Preferences page to show them. (One where I decide which fields are shown to them)