So there is a betalist. Is there anything else?
They didn’t ban me on Google. Just looking for a cheap (expensive will also work) and battle tested magic bullet.
So there is a betalist. Is there anything else?
They didn’t ban me on Google. Just looking for a cheap (expensive will also work) and battle tested magic bullet.
Marketing would depend on your product vertical. SaaS is just a distribution model. What does your product do?
Cloud Data Integration
I had seen etlworks before in this forum and was very impressed! Didn’t recollect it was by you.
Let me quickly dump the ways in which I’ve found users. I hope there is something new for you here:
Medium. My product is in the designer/front-end developer niche (, and Medium is a watering hole for a lot of such folks. Starting from scratch is hard, so we posted to an existing publication with 10k readers in this niche. (here’s one post link).
Subreddits. For me these have been reddit/r/webdev and reddit/r/sketch.
There are a lot of Slack channels for various niches, but I’ve never felt comfortable hawking there.
Watching Twitter for mention about related/competing products and reaching out to them. There is a tool called which emulates human-like behaviour on Twitter. It is described in detail here - This is an aggressive tactic and I don’t have firsthand experience.
Getting featured in Newsletters related to your niche. This has worked really well for me. I don’t know any newsletters that directly map to your niche, the closest I can think of is
Thanks a lot!
Bookmarked socedo and softwareleadweekly.
And then there’s this old thread:
Awesome. Let’s get this thing promoted! It deserves it.
Side question. How important is sign up page?
So far we got all our customers “by invitation”, mostly utilizing leads from