Hi all,
I’ve just launched Agent 007 (www.agent007.io) for Real Estate agents in Australia. Whilst I have 2 current non-paying customers who I found through cold calling doing idea extraction (finding their pain points) on, Im struggling to hit a repeatable channel which brings me traffic and of course conversions.
I sold out of my B2C subscription pet food business earlier in the year (never go into B2C with low margins and bulky products :-)) and living off the dwindling profits of the sell out. With that it was easy, I SEO’d the crap out of a few google keywords for pet food.
This time its proving very hard. I’ve considered Capterra or similar (G2Crowd etc) and Ive also joined a load of Realtor Facebook groups who commonly list this problem. However its not an automated solution trying to find an email or phone number from a Facebook name and most groups will kick you out if you self promote.
Yes I should have figured this out a while ago, but does anyone have any suggestions for Real Estate software?