Thanks for the feedback Robert!
The names I used for the sliders are the same used in the image creation algorithm. Didn’t put much thought into it, but I’ll look into maybe making them more understandable.
Regarding the live preview, unfortunately, it’s hard to make it any better since I’m trying to maintain a good 50/50 ratio between both images, without breaking the style of the page too much. But I do see where you’re getting at. Maybe doing something like a small preview for the original, and focusing on the output could help? Something like 20/80, or even the original showing on the top left corner or something. Will look into that.
Currently, I’m not trying to strongly monetise it. This was mostly a side project, although I’ve been tinkering with some ideas. My focus now is trying to increase my DAU, and incorporating as much feedback as possible to make it a tight, and usable, tool