I’m working on a desktop+mobile app without a backend and trying to come up an easy-to-understand recurring revenue model. I would use a Sketch-like (get a license + a year of app updates) subscription everywhere because it’s user-friendly (you own the app) but it’s not possible on iOS, Android, and in the Mac App Store.
Having desktop apps with a Sketch-like subscription and mobile ones with a regular subscription would be mildly confusing but this means ignoring the Mac App Store (though I don’t know if it’s worth it to be there in the first place UPD: I asked around and it’s 40-60% of revenue for the developers who sell both there and on their sites).
Selling Mac+Windows licenses from our site with a Sketch-like subscription but Mac App Store licenses with a regular subscription could be really confusing. Plus I’m not sure how to convert MAS licenses to Windows if a customer asks for it.
I’ve seen Agenda’s “cash cow” model but its implementation sounds nightmarish:
Paid version upgrades every couple of years are still a viable option but it means really high app’s price and rushed feature development.
Am I overthinking it? Would appreciate any advice – be it from experience or a user’s perspective.