How I make $2k/mo from SMS reminders

Hi all,

I’ve recorded a video that explains how I make $2k per month from my appointment reminder business. It’s a SaaS. In the video, I show precisely how I grew it to a very stable MRR.

Feel free to ask any questions! I created the video simply to share my experiences with folks like you.



Hi Michael,

On your first video where you were promoting Omaha, I kept silent, but now I can’t stand still!

Some twenty years ago when I started in a little Bulgarian company as an on-site support for few LOB apps (my salary at that time was ~ $40/month, year later in another company it raised to $500/month), I was thinking: If I was born in Germany or Austria, I wouldn’t work anything else but SAP consulting. I would be rich from day one (and you know young people need money).

So I still cannot understand, why you threw thousands of hours building apps that give you $1-2K/month when you could be getting to 20K EUR/month by now, and wear a fashion suit and drive brand new luxury car (Mercedes of course) !?!

It’s a good point. First, when you start out, you of course hope you will be successful and rich from online businesses. As you know, that has not yet become true for me. But I think I’d still go the same way (minus several mistakes). I prefer being my own boss and the flexibility of going for a run / take a day off whenever I feel like it. Finally, I don’t think I’d be making €20k, but €10k / mo. Still around twice of what I make now. But I don’t care that much about fashion suits or nice cars. I care more about what I do with my time.


Hey Michael - I thoroughly enjoyed getting insights into your business and your decision processes. Very refreshing. Thanks for sharing this with us :+1:

Happy to hear you like it! Thanks :slight_smile: If you find it useful, then I’ve achieved my goal.

Thanks for making this video Michael. This is pretty much what I’d like to do too - have couple of small services that make about $1000 pm. Thanks for sharing!

My pleasure :slight_smile:

Hi Michael,

Good job and, of course, thank you a lot for this video.

I just signed-up into Bootstrapped to ask you about how do you achieve compliance with data privacy laws in Europe, as you’re dealing with sensitive data from your customer’s patients (mainly treatment)

Thank you again and keep the good work :slight_smile:

It’s a combination of legal and technical measures. An important tool is Datensparsamkeit.