We do eat together every evening, which we used to not do, and it has made a major impact not only on our relationships, but at my children’s ability to eat healthier, use manners, to ask questions, and actively listen.
I think for me shifting sleep earlier so I spend less time watching Netflix in the evening and am able to get up earlier to start the day has made another big impact. Those two hours that used to be spent consuming media are now spent producing.
As far as weekends go, all four of my children are young enough to nap still, so there is a 2-hour window that I get to check email, do something small, etc. However, I notice my patience is about nil if they interrupt this time with anything, so I’m thinking it wise to set my expectations even lower on the weekends.
Even though I often do, I think an important thing for me to avoid is work in the evenings after kids’ bedtime. If I am not fitting it into my daily routine, I should look first into being more efficient with my day, rather than add more hours to my workday in the evening. Even though the kids are in bed, my wife and I can have more conversations, and I can help out with more around the house when I’m not at my computer.