Hola! I'm Mike - startup nomad

I’m Mike. I’m Aries and love to take nice romantic walks in park…oh wait, it’s not that kind of forum. doh!

For the last 20 years I’ve been building lots of other peoples’ products and, in the last 10, helping them do good work with agile and lean approaches. I’m bootstrapping my startups one at a time whilst I am in exile in Spain from the UK ( hey, it’s a 40% lower cost of living!).

I’m a solo founder and would love to meet other solo founders for fun and frolics. (Uh oh - that didn’t sound right!).

Right now I’m working to get traction with http://servicechatapp.com - a chat room that you get trigger from a tweet - to help businesses engage with customers on twitter (instead of divert them to some anger-inducing offline channel like the phone).

I’m also exploring turning my process coaching work into a remote based, subscription model to help my existing customers access experience and expertise at a much less prohibitive cost. I’m doing really to help them and me have more certainty.

As Margaret Wheatley says - Whatever the Question is, Community is the Answer. I hope to be an active member of this here community and if there is anything you feel I can contribute to - here is my open invitation!

Welcome to me.


I think this is my favorite intro yet! Welcome

Hi Mike. Welcome to you!

Thanks fellas. It feels really cosy to be amongst people trying to do the same as me - build something of their dream.