Hi, I'm Kjell-Åke

I live in Örnsköldsvik in Sweden which is in the beautiful High Coast area. By day I work as a software consultant and by night I am working on my product WebMaestro (https://getwebmaestro.com). WebMaestro is a HTTP API testing tool that I started building almost a year ago as I really didn’t like Postman or Insomnia that much.

I have joined this forum to get some help on to push myself to do some more marketing, as a developer we are in constant fear of doing that. And also to get some feedback on my product and homepage.


Welcome, K.A.! Good luck fighting Postman, they seem to get an unlimited budget.

Welcome Kjell-Åke!

How’s WebMaestro going so far? What’s been your main source of customers?

Huh, man, you gotta make an installer. I’m a developer, but even I don’t want to create a folder, extract the files there, drag the symlink somewhere… too much work for a trial.

I make a Java application, but even I have a Windows installer, eh!

Well, haven’t had any sales yet. There have been some downloads, but no feedback yet either.

Ok, I will fix an installer then if that would increase trials.

Well, if I can get a small cut of that budget I would be happy!

I don’t mind zip files, but they need the parent folder to be zipped, not just the files themselves. That means I can just drag the folder out of PeaZip to extract it, instead of littering my desktop with a bunch of loose files.

Now I have added an installer to WebMaestro to make it easier to install it. If you have any other comments on it I would love to hear about it!

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Something is not right:


It seems like something got screwed up when I uploaded it Wordpress. I have fixed it now.

I’m feeling like a real indie hacker now writing this in our caravan 130 km from home! :smiley:

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