I live in Dublin, Ireland, and call myself a serial builder. I keep saying never again but then can’t seem to stop myself from building just one more app.
Six weeks ago I released my latest application, Atomic Scribbler, a project management and writing environment for novelists and short story writers working on Windows PCs.
Writers use the software to plan their novels, prepare and maintain research material, and then write that novel chapter by chapter or scene by scene in a modern Windows application that has a similar look and feel to Microsoft Word.
[That’s the elevator pitch from my marketing plan — are we still doing elevator pitches?]
The release has gone very well, with sales approaching what I wanted for the first two months. I’ve just finished working on my marketing plan — wrong way around, I know, but like so many of us I have a habit of coding first and planning second.
I have one other app in the same space that sells quite well — SmartEdit: editing software for writers. The Microsoft Word plug-in, despite its higher price, is what users seem to go for.
I’ve lurked around the forums here for some time, and thought I’d jump in and start sharing. It was this forum that lead to me choosing to go down the Discourse route from my own support forum.