Hey Nicki,
As @jayfk suggested, I’d really recommend setting up a simple landing page. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but the smaller the barrier of entry, the more feedback you’ll get. Expecting people to write a thoughtful comment on a forum post or even a simple ‘This could be cool’ is a surprisingly big barrier of entry.
Also, you’re likely to only hear negative comments from people who have a very strong opinion against it. While instead if you set up a landing page and hook in a simple analytics tool like Google Analytics you can actually measure conversion rate, which would be a more accurate representation of willingness to buy/use.
- Anywhere you recommend posting it? (My list so far: reddit personal finance tools, money-talk, bogleheads, fatwallet, getrichslowly)
Post to the IndieHacker’s forum. Everyone there is very supportive, and you’ll likely get really good, meaningful feedback.
As for the actual idea/product, the drag and drop feature looks awesome and easy to use! But what’s the real value proposition? Is it the ability to see an aggregate feed of activity across multiple bank accounts or is there analytics to it? Sorry if that seems critical, not meaning for it to come off that way, just actually curious