I was employed by a software house in London for a few years but recently made the move to freelance. I now work mainly with PHP (specifically Laravel), which I love!
My main personal project at the moment is a greeting card website called Carddle. I’ve got a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation going on as I need artists to submit their designs before there are any cards for people to buy, but artists aren’t really interested in submitting designs to a site without any customers. I’d be very interested to hear how others have overcome similar chicken-and-egg hurdles with their businesses.
My other main side-project is OysterCalculator, a website that helps people work out how much public transport in London will cost them. I made it quite a few years ago and it’s steadily grown, now generating some nice pocket-money from ads.
Anywho, I’ve been lurking for a while so just thought it was about time I said “hi”!