I am putting out a fairly straightforward graphic editing job onto UpWork and Fivver (experiment with that, not expecting it for $5, contacted a few likely candidates with the spec and ask for quote).
In all cases I’ve sent a detailed 1 page spec in both text and PDF attachment - I know its IMHO but its pretty good and straight forward spec, covers
- 1 paragraph overview
- List input files I am giving them + links
- Explanation of what I want doing and a dodgy MS paint mockup
- Exact format of output files I want delivering.
- When I want it by
- Simple question I want answering from them when they apply (typical filter tactic).
I didn’t put it in public view just invited (contacted on Fivver) people with reasonable hours/ratings.
The responses, every single one of the 6 from the 8 I contacted, have been absolutely shockingly dismal.
Not ONE answered the filter question and most of them after saying “Yessir I can do your project the best” when prompted with “Do you have any questions?” asked basic questions that were clearly covered in the spec.
Wow. Just Wow.
Sure it got worse since the last time I used oDesk 2 years ago.
Has anyone had any success with finding contractors on UpWork recently and for what types of jobs?