I have legitimately followed close to 900 people and only have 300 followers. I’m an option C user. I just tune in for little bursts of content.
I am trying to clean up my follow list because there is a lot of silly noise with 900 follows. My general approach for following is if I think someone has a possibility of being remotely interesting or relevant I just follow them and tell myself I’ll unfollow if they don’t turn out to be valuable. Most of the time I don’t unfollow unless they are really annoying or useless.
I’ve found that the majority of accounts tweet pretty sparingly so even though I follow 900 there are probably 200 that I see tweet consistently. As such it doesn’t feel like completely unfocused stream of tweets. Following 900 accounts obviously makes it impossible to keep up with all tweets. I like that aspect of having a huge follow list because it prevents me from feeling like I’m falling behind and must read everything. I also really enjoy having a huge cross section of interesting people because it gives me a pretty neat curated experience during current events. I’ll have 100 unique and diverse people who are all in some way relevant to me commenting on something that’s in the news.
I just recently decided to start trying to use lists for groups of people that I want to do a better job of really tracking. For instance my bootstrappers list is one I’m reading pretty much every tweet from https://twitter.com/TravisFischer/business-bootstrapping. The list is a work in progress in terms of who’s on it. I add accounts as I see them come up in my main stream or discover them elsewhere online.
I try to limit the amount of time I invest in Twitter. On the one hand I have built some real valuable relationships and connections. On the other hand I have wasted hours and hours reading about what 900 people are watching on TV and eating for supper.