Hi all, this is definitely an “it depends” question but I’d like to hear any advice, suggestions, or analysis that you may have.
I have a SaaS app that’s pre product market fit. I just opened it up to registrations and am about to email my early access list. I intended to email them in batches of 25 and iterate on the initial email to get them to visit the site.
I intend to send out these emails every few days, or perhaps once a week depending on response/feedback. In the meantime, I’m wondering what sort of activity should I be focusing on?
The feature list is endless, plus may possibly be a waste of effort, so I’m not looking at it right now.
I’m debating between focusing on the first-run/onboarding experience, which is currently not good. It needs help from both the UX and design perspective. The second option is to focus building out drip emails for people who sign up to the trial (which is 14 days). Another option could be to further improve the landing/marketing page which is just “okay”. (So much to do… sheesh)
Feel free to ask any follow up questions.
Thank you for any suggestions you may have.
PS, I did a search but didn’t come across anything that I thought would directly answer my question. Feel free to point to discussions I may find useful.
Thanks again