I’m improving the Email onboarding for my SaaS app (for speech therapy treatment software).
Some things I’ve learned:
- Send MORE emails. I was sending only a couple of introductory emails, worried about overloading folks.
- Shorter emails. Put only one small Task in each email. As a consequence of not wanting to send too MANY emails, I crammed a lot into each one,like links to 6 intro videos (one for each “part” of the program). My rule of thumb (which I ignored!) has always been: the chance of someone reading a sentence is c=1/Word-Count. Chance of reading an email is about 100/Word-Count.
My next plan is a sequence of “next step emails”. The very smallest steps a user can take. We can detect these using the Stats we store in Mixpanel, which lets us send Notification emails (or SMS, which we don’t use)
What have YOU learned, or what problems do you have?
My Stack:
Saas: LAMP
Email Automation: Mixpanel.com (free account)