Typically, if you have downloadable software, a landing page with have a great big “Download” button.
I’m wondering about a different approach for certain landing pages. Some ranking competitors for keywords that describe what my tool does actually offer a tool to perform that work on the landing page. It looks like this attracts a lot of backlinks as people link to the pages because they are generally useful.
For example, imagine you had software that counted the number of words in a document and did all sorts of other cool textual stats and tricks. The landing page “count-words-in-document.html” rather than having a “Download now” button for your app would maybe have an upload control where you could upload the document and the word count would work and the result shown.
Then maybe a Download button would be shown?
Just wondered if anyone had any experience of doing something similar, or interaction designs they could share to make this as slick as possible.