I ran across this blog post on The Dribbblisation Of Design from the Head Of Product Design at Intercom. A great refresher on why form should follow function when making an interactive product.
The points he makes are quite valid, I think. There isn’t really a Dribbble-for-UX at the moment, while UX is becoming a overloaded term since most people use UX as a substitute for “pretty”.
The core problem with Dribbble for me is that there is very little room for actual constructive feedback and discussion. It’s only “Looks great!” and “Gorgeous!” which seems more appropriate to a Facebook wall than to a forum for design. What would be quite interesting is a site where you can post intermediate stages of these concepts, sollicit feedback, collaborate and end with a decent, peer-reviewed, design.
Oh well. Startup idea #784.
I read this and I just don’t think he sees the forest through the trees.
“This is not graphic design. We’re not designing posters, or even road signs.”
And yet I believe that is exactly what it is. Dribbble for many designers is the equivalent of the design school showcase. Find a project - many times something that will never be built - and design it. Learn a new style, technique, refine your design skills and get feedback from others. Criticizing designers for not crafting every project as something that is built on flawless UX principles isn’t only unrealistic, it’s just wrong. Dribbble is a place where all types of designers can post their work. To try to say that everyone there must post complete, thoughtful, experienced work is failing to see that not all designers are experienced or do that as part of their jobs.
@RoyJacobs - Many designers do exactly what you describe. Post a version, solicit feedback - sometimes at length from other users and then submit revisions for further feedback. That’s a very common thing. Most people just don’t take the time to provide the peer-review and critical thought for every design.