That’s the absolute perfect question to ask when you set up interviews with at least 10 Amazon FBA sellers.
Because their opinion is all that matters.

Don’t ruminate in the dark. Talk to customers.
100% serious here, go find 10 Amazon FBA sellers (hey, here are some, and here are some), ask them how they manage their business, ask them how they source their product, ask them how they track COGS, ask them how they replenish product, ask them how they handle returns, ask them how they choose keywords, images and descriptions for each listing, ask them how they do research to determine if/when bundles would sell better in a category, ask them how they track competitors trying to move into the gold box.
Get them talking about their gripes, and their fears.
Ask them what methods they’ve tried in the past to solve these pains
Ask them what solutions they use today.
Ask them how much they’ve paid in the past to solve these problems.
Ask them to describe in detail how many times each week they encounter each difficulty.
Ask them to pick five adjectives to describe how each problem frustrates them each week, or each day.
It’s hard work, but it’s necessary work.
I know, I know. Asking us here what we think of the idea feels like good work, feels like validation, feels like you’re making progress.
But it’s really just procrastination.

When you get some feedback from potential customers, report back here in this thread, share what you’ve learned. This community will be thrilled to help you make heads or tails of all the info and help you determine next steps!