I run a niche jobboard and the recruiting industry is …
a) … moving at a faster pace than ever, startups with new business models popping up in every corner
b) … slow in adapting change
One of my fears is, that 1) new stuff I’m developing is not adopted or 2) I miss out on important developments. It’s static and dynamic at the same time - it’s scary
Lawsuits is definitely also a worry. In Germany there are so many new laws and regulations popping up. Did you know that if I only put “Buy” (= Kaufen) on the buying button, there would be no official contract? It needs to say “Do Cost-incurring Payment Now” (= Jetzt kostenpflichtig zahlen) or some small variations. Actually I kind of like this rule (because I once had a company “trick” me - because they made a ca. 200 EUR purchase agreement look like a simple newsletter subscription), but with so many new rules and data regulations, it’s kind of hard to keep up. And with the recruiting industry being so competitive, you need to be on the lookout.