American Made Physical Products

Hi Friends, I’m K. I have been involved in physical products for most of my life. I love that when someone purchases something from you they can hold it in their hand and get some type of use from it, hopefully for some time. I’ve learned the bare minimum HTML to make ecom websites on most platforms and send mass emails to customer lists with aws ses and some other tools.

I’m happy to find this forum. Bootstrapping in my mind is the only logical way to start a business for me. I understand PE and venture, but I could never agree to something like that. I understand that this comes with the added difficulty of slower starts and scrappy tactics, but for me that’s what business is all about.

My latest product is a new spin on and old design. Everyone has at least 1 of these, they design has been around for 50+ years and you never think about it until you need it or have to change it. I’ll give you a hint, it holds the power to unlock your world… Still stumped? It’s a keyring! Not just any keyring. It’s operated by opening it on the side. I am also using some incredible materials to create these keyring. Ever heard of Titanium Damascus? Well if you haven’t you should check it out. It looks like it’s from an alien. The best part about all of this is everything, down to the titanium billet, is sourced or made in America.

I thought the name was catchy, some like it, some don’t - FreedomRing

Happy to hear everyones thoughts and feedback.
