I support myself and family via consulting while I build my SaaS “on the side” but during work hours. My wife and kids expect me to be available outside of work time, so I cram almost everything into the regular 8-5 hours. I also spend a little time working on the SaaS in the late evening, but I find that this time for me tends to be pretty unfocused.
I’m not earning nearly as much as I was when I had a regular job, and I know I could go back out and get another “good” job like all the ones I had before, but I just hate jobs so much that I refuse to ever get another one.
If anyone is considering going freelance as an alternative to working for the man, I would highly recommend it. I have the flexibility to do sales and customer support as much as I decide I want to. The days fly by and I no longer have that anxious, cooped-up feeling I did at my jobs. It’s definitely a little harder than having a job but it’s also way better.