Thanks, @CescVilanova , and while you’re totally making sense, there’ a trick - most SaaSes offer a trial period. If people need the app “just once” - they use the trial and then never convert to “paid subscription”.
Qualaroo is one of the products I was thinking about 
Maybe I want to use the product during 4-6-8 weeks a year, when, for example, I’m increasing my marketing push and getting feedback from new users is all what I need.
Maybe I want the features of the PRO version, but the free trial only gives me the basic stuff.
It’s tricky because I’m not sure how common is this need AND the reasoning behind it 
PS. this just occurred to me while I was typing: a “blackhat-ish” MVP for this type of product would be to register a paid account for a couple of expremely popular Saases (like say ahrefs) and resell access to these accounts as pay-as-u-go. It’s a kinda grey area, but good enought for an MVP to get you starte for the first couple of weekd…
This is really clever. I like it.
I think it’s also coherent with validating (or invalidating) the riskiest hypothesis of the idea, which is testing if there’s customer demand.
I will try to validate this right now, actually 
Note: This is the only post I’ll write trying to sell something.
Anyone interested on a daily or weekly pass for Qualaroo Professional (you can see features included here)?
Weekly pass is $99.
Daily pass is $29.
If you’re interested, send me an email to with the plan you’re interested in.
If you are interested in any other product other than Qualaroo, get in touch and we can talk about how pricing would be in that case.