What do you use for your blog?

Have you looked at divshot? They have a “visual bootstrap builder”. I haven’t tried it and I don’t know if it only integrates with their hosting service but it seems interesting.

I have hand-coded a lot of HTML too and it struck me as so inefficient that I am now working on a product that tries to take that pain away.

Nope, haven’t checked out divshot. If it’s a standalone thing (without hosting), and I could upload whatever theme I bought into it, that would be useful.

Ping me when you make that product! I’d love to try it out. One thing to note is, if it’s quicker for me to open up a text editor and make a hand-coded change on the spot than opening up the app and doing it visually…I think I’d still do it by hand :smile:

I’ll definitely ping you when I have something to show @jabeuy. I will be looking for feedback from a number of real-world users as soon as I have something reasonably functional.

And yes my solution is a fully stand-alone, downloadable application. You bring the HTML snippets/templates then assemble them as you wish in the editor and write the content there too.

I’m another Jekyll fan, and if you throw your site on S3 it may only cost pennies per day to run, depending on your site’s traffic.

But yeah, WordPress sounds like a better option based on your criteria (and since you’re in PHP world already it should be simpatico).