Yeah but a VPS costs money and maintaining.
It is indeed a lot of work.
CMS (Wordpress, etc) have many issues and don’t really work for everyone. For instance, you need to setup your hosting, CDN, caching plugin, etc. Good hosting is expensive (eg: Kinsta, WP Engine, etc). Most templates you find around are super bloated. And don’t get me started on security issues, updates, etc.
I’ve been using Jekyll and other SSGs for years. My current blog is using Eleventy. As a dev I prefer those to using a CMS but for non-tech people these are a no-go. Even something like Netlify CMS requires a complicated setup.
If you just want to publish without any hassle neither of those approaches are great. This is why Medium and Substack have become so popular these past years. You just write and click publish. But these have their own issues and I think I can carve a niche for what I’m building.