# Messaging app where communication is done only via push notifications

I came up with idea to build messaging app that would only use push notifications to message each other. You know that you are able to reply back to people directly from push notification like this https://imgur.com/a/B3bSQXs

iOS supports text, images, videos and audio on push notifications. In that way you don’t even have to leave your Lock Screen to message other people. I don’t think that most messaging apps utilize full potential of rich push notification. This app would focus only on messaging via push notifications, so the concept/mindset would be completely different from, you would be “forced” to communicate via push notifications which might bring totally different experience

I’d like to build an app that will have only 2 screens. One for login and registration and one for typing a message and choosing whom to send it to.

What do you think about it?

I can already do this on android with Google messagener app. I occasionally use it. Mostly find it annoying. Maybe there’s an audience but seems limited and not useful imo.

I’d start with talking to 20-50 people in your target audience about what their biggest problems are with communicating and what they are trying to solve and if they had a magic wand what would they want. Ideally there will be some trends in there leading to insights on something valuable to solve.

Awesome feedback. How old are you?

  1. Male. Married with 2 kids.
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