Looking for feedback on site update

Hey everyone,

I just launched a refresh of my site http://www.pageproofer.com I focused on polishing the wording and look. I’d love to get some feedback for non biased peers.



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Hey, congrats! Your product looks really well thought out.

If you don’t mind me asking, how does PageProofer differ from other apps in the space, like, for instance, Bugherd?

You have a little gif like demo, but its too small, and I couldn’t make out any details.

Why dont you put up a video of a real, working system? That will be easier to see, and also show proof that your system works as advertised.

Hi ken, thanks.

It is quite similar to bugherd. My first idea for pageproofer was in 2010 and there wasn’t anything like it on the market. Unfortunately it took me a lot if starts and stops to get it done, by that time other had the same idea.

I think pageproofer is different in that it’s focused more at creative agencies and developers looking for an easier way to manage website review feedback with their teams and clients versus specifically bug tracking . Also I have put a lot of time into making pageproofer work across mobile devices, something most of the other options out there don’t do or do well.


Hi shantu ,

Thank you for the feedback. I am planning on putting a video in for those exact reasons


Hey @shantnu finally found some free time to create the video to replace the gif on the home page. Thanks for the suggestion, definitely smoother than the gif.