"Indefinitely Sustainable Bootstrapping"

Hi bootstrappers,

In the past few months, I found a nice balance mixing freelancing and a growing SaaS (especially since SaaS sales take so long to grow). I documented this approach in the following article:

How to transition from services business to product business

Feedback is most welcome as usual,

– Thibaut

Sounds good.

Another way of putting #1 might be: “Make yourself a First-Class Client.” Big Client #1 (self) comes first, and then others.

In addition to finding an anchor client, it might be helpful to arrange retainer agreements, if one has the opportunity to do so (a suggestion I’ve read often recently but never had the chance to try).

A word on that: I had the opportunity to make real yearly retainers, but ultimately decided to only book my days between 2 and 5 months in advance. This gives me a lot of financial visibility already, yet allows me to scale down on consulting without waiting a whole year, and invest more time gradually on the product side.