Hi, I'm Thibaut from WiseCash


I’m Thibaut, and I’ve bootstrapped WiseCash, a handy SaaS app to forecast your cash flow, make informed decisions, and handle your freelancing/small business with more peace of mind. I built WiseCash with my wife, based on our experience running a small business since 2005.

WiseCash was in private beta for one year and opened to the public beginning of July. We are growing gently at this point, and I’m actively working at reaching financial independence based solely on our product (our main income is still coming from freelancing at this point).

Like Mathias from Travis CI, I’m a 30x500 alumni where I learned quite a bit.

I’m located in a very rural area of France (north of Bordeaux). We relocated there to improve our quality of life (we have 2 kids) and make bootstrapping less financially challenging.

I started doing side-projects when my first son was born, and I shipped WiseCash (my first SaaS) when my second son was born. They are kicking our asses to improve our lifestyle :slight_smile:

I’m very glad to have discovered this forum. Lots of positive and energizing discussions here!

Cheers, Thibaut

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Nice one! Welcome…

Nice to have you here, Thibaut!
